Fire Escape Song - Armadilla Wax Works Candle Store

Fire Escape Song

Music helps make everything better.

Our son, Matt Buttermann and his wife Ceren Yasaroglu. Taking a break out on their New York City apartment fire escape. The sun is shining on a beautiful day and a beautiful song and time to forget for a few minutes that they have to stay home, stay safe and to remember they are lucky to have each other. 

 Click on the image to listen:

 For many of us, family members are scattered across the country or all over the earth. We miss being with them but understand and accept the current reality that traveling, even down the block to the local grocery store, is done very cautiously. We are grateful that they are safe and healthy - along with a giant "care package" we sent with family photos and various foods. Namely - a stack of corn tortillas and other goodies so that they can make some (much needed) enchiladas.

Living in New York city is not without delicious ethnic foods and incredible restaurants. Of course, take out is possible but the city is so big, a restaurant may be just too much of a hike. Cooking food at home requires a good imagination, a few basic skills and a pantry with interesting ingredients and spices - some of which you never even knew were there! Creativity is the order of the day.

This song is romantic and wonderful and makes us proud of our family of musicians. Their "terrace" is just out the window of their apartment on the fire escape. For us, living in Prescott, Arizona, it is hard to imaging small spaces when we have such a wide desert and mountain landscape to escape to. All the more reason why music offers such a comforting feeling.

Please enjoy the music - stay safe. We wish you all well.

An Irish toast:

"Always remember to forget the things that made you sad. But never forget to remember the things that made you glad."