Armadilla Wax Works Candle Store

Hello and thanks for visiting the web site. 

 The retail store hours: OPEN: Wednesday - Saturday: 10-4.

The owners will be retiring and are very interested in transferring the business to new owners who are interested in carrying on the traditions of quality craftsmanship with a colorful retail store presentation in Prescott or in your home town. This incredible space and location will be available for lease. This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for an experienced business owner to build on the 50+ year reputation of the candle business with a new vision of their own or create something brand new in this location. 

No phone calls, please. Send serious inquiries to

This is the one and only Armadilla Wax Works candle store location.

2225 E. State Route 69, Prescott, AZ 86301


Link to a short video inside the candle store.

Image of the store interior.

Our candles are made by hand - every day in the workshop. 


 Kent is pouring wax into a 9" diameter candle mold form.


Check our a couple more new videos on the Pine Cone candles page. 
Pine Cone Candles
Here are a few of our favorite things: Josie's Pear scented pillar candles inspired by our granddaughter enjoying a delicious pear. 

 In addition to our wonderful candles, the store offers artisan crafted accessories. Imagine Clayworks hand made terracotta saucer candle holders (shown above) and hand cut tin luminaries by Cindy Wolf, Phoenix, AZ



Please click on the image above to enjoy the video of our son Matt Buttermann and his wife Ceren Yasaroglu who recorded this lovely song, out on the fire escape of their apartment, when they were living in the heart of New York City in March of 2020.

During the pandemic, a candle store may not be an official "essential" business but we have found that candlelight does provide a warm and welcoming glow and, along with listening to your favorite music, a nice aroma helps create a relaxing ambiance. Candlelight offers a natural feeling for ceremonies and celebrations.

       Did you know that we have
       an awesome 1916 grand upright piano
       in the store? Musicians are more than welcome to
      play!     Click on the photo: links to listen.


 Life is complete with our cute (little) chocolate lab, Riley at nine years old. She always has a smile on her big silly face. She keeps tabs on everything and tells us, in no uncertain terms, when it's dinnertime!