Magically delicious and delightfully delicate. Pumpkin spice and everything nice, my pretties. - Armadilla Wax Works Candle Store

Magically delicious and delightfully delicate. Pumpkin spice and everything nice, my pretties.

 Hello my dears,
Where have you been
all year?
 So happy to see you again. 
Would you like a freshly picked apple, seasoned with my special blend of herbs, spices and .....?
Maybe a delightful pumpkin spice scented candle? 
My formula is sure to please. Made with secret ingredients, ready to cast a spell, that is, a blessing, over your home for a Happy Halloween
and a delicious
Thanksgiving dinner.
Have you tried my pumpkin soup? Made from a vintage recipe with carefully gathered forest trails' flora and fauna. Made to bubble and bubble with toil and trouble and the best part is that you're invited.
It only happens once a year. You will be the guest of honor. 
Nothing to be afraid of. It's only a little magic. My grinning happy face  welcomes you to the most spooky time of the year. In my opinion, that is. 
The real magic comes when you light your candles, in an attempt to dispel the darkness, and the room is transformed into shadowy silhouettes on the walls and an exquisite aroma fills the air. It's only a little magic. 
Signed, your friend,
The Enchanting Broomhilda