"Remembrance, like a candle, burns brightly at Christmas time."
“Remembrance, like a candle, burns brightly at Christmas time.”
Charles Dickens
The gentle glow of candlelight signifies a warm welcome. We all know this – but sometimes we forget to include candles when having a party unless, of course, it’s a birthday party! Maybe it’s about time to reconsider how we think about candles as something reserved only for that extra special occasion and consider how candlelight makes us feel. The simple answer is that it makes someone feel special for a day. It’s especially significant for children, but let’s face it, when someone goes out of their way to show how much they care, that’s a good day – birthday or not. The way to think about this “burning” question is to choose candles that fit their purpose. Adding candles to your Christmas gift list is a good idea because candles are always well received and considered a thoughtful gift. Inviting someone over for a candlelit dinner - that’s really something - an extra special way to say “thank-you” to an extra special person. Does it sound too fancy? It need not be. It’s the candlelight that creates that ambiance whether you’re a gourmet chef or a home cook serving a crock pot of home-made soup and a store-bought pie. The idea is to create a memory illuminated by the warm glow of your smile and a candle.
“My candle burns at both ends; It will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends—It gives a lovely light!”
Edna St. Vincent Millay
The holidays bring out the “party” in us so it’s reasonable to expect that some people fill their calendar to over flowing. Choosing the right candles for a party is as easy as 1-2-3. Traditional taper candles – meet floating candles. 1) Grab a fruit bowl from the cabinet or one of those flea market finds you just couldn’t resist. 2) Add room temperature water. 3) Pinch the wick of a floating candle designed to float and gently lower it into the water. Got a big bowl? Add a few more candles. Here’s where the magic begins. The candle flame is reflected throughout the water and, if you used a glass bowl, or a reflective metal or ceramic bowl, it also adds a glow to the interior of the container! Like moths to a flame, your guests will be drawn to your centerpiece and this creation becomes the light of the party and a conversation starter. Look for containers that coordinate with your theme or décor and remember, never leave a lit candle unattended, even a candle floating in water. It is a stunning candle lit centerpiece and you don’t have to reveal that is took you all of about 5 minutes to put together. It’s beautiful and personal, affordable and easy. Try something new this holiday season!
A candlelight service is a calming way to bring people together for a common cause. Advent candles herald the beginning of the Christmas season and candlelight plays a traditional, significant role as a symbol of reverence. The word Hanukkah translates as “dedication” and signifies remembrance for ancient events in the Jewish faith by the ceremonial of lighting of 8 candles. This “festival of lights” honors strength, perseverance and continuity. Candle design, color and fragrance choices aside, always choose quality, well made candles.
Lighting candles is a way to express reverence for the past and celebrate recent accomplishments; to honor people we respect, love and who live in our memories. It rekindles our spirit and hope for the future.